TheStaffPhysicianworksaspartofthemedicalproviderteam providingmedicalservicestothepatientsofthecommunityhealth center. The physician will act as a member of the care team and work in collaboration with other health team members and is responsibleforassistinginthepromotionofthehealthandwell- beingofapanelofpatients.Inaddition,StaffPhysicians,unless specifically exempt by the Medical Director, shall be qualified to serve on the active Medical Staff of a local hospital, provide inpatientcareservices,assume“oncall”afterhoursresponsibilities, andsupervisecommunityhealthcenterPAsorNPsasappropriate. Services may be performed at our client health center site, nursing home, patient home, or hospital.
Essential Functions:
Obtainscompletemedicalhistoryfrompatient,and/or family, and/or previous medical records, etc.
Prescribes medications according to therapeutic goals and explains treatment to patients and families in accordance withTSBMBregulations.
StaffRelations/Team Building
Consultswithphysiciansandothermemberofthehealth care team as necessary.
Performsothernecessarydutiesasrequiredbythe communityhealthcentertomeetthegoalofproviding primary health care services.
Refersthosecasesthatrequirespecialistservices,but maintains responsibility, assuring that continuity of care is provided.
Renders emergency care and treatment including cardiopulmonaryresuscitation,startingI-Vfluids,and medications; sutures lacerations. Performs other minor surgery as privileged.
Consultswithphysiciansandothermembersofthehealth care team as necessary.
Complieswithstate,andfederalpolicies, procedures, and standards.
Performstimelychartreviewsofphysicianassistantsandnurse practitioners as required.
Maintains all patient records to comply with required standards,reviewsrecordsregularly,andprovidesphysician countersignaturewherenecessary.Entriesinthemedical records will be legible and timely.
TheStaffPhysicianreportsto,issupervisedby,andevaluatedbytheChief MedicalOfficer.TheStaffPhysicianmaybeaskedtoserveasPhysicianin Charge at a particular health center site and as such will supervise the medicalproviderteamatthatsite.TheStaffPhysicianmayalsobeasked to supervise PAs or NPs.
The evaluation of work performance will be ongoing, and will be carried out by the Chief Medical Officer. It will include the specific duties and responsibilitiesofthispositiondescriptionplusemployeeattitudeand generalworkingbehavior.Formal evaluations will normallybeperformed annually,butmaybeinitiatedatothertimesbytheStaffPhysicianorthe Chief Medical Officer.
Thisjobdescriptionshallinclude,butisnotnecessarilylimitedto,the aboveduties.Thephysicianmaytemporarilyperformotherdutiesas assigned to maintain operations and services.
Graduation from an accredited medical school with a degree of Doctor of Medicine or Osteopathy.
Completionofanapprovedresidencyprograminaprimary care specialty.
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